History of Saint John Parish, Sheldon, WI
After many years of determination to have a permanent Roman Catholic Church in the Sheldon area, a Parish was officially established by the late Bishop Joseph Annabring in 1955. He named his parish St. Maria Goretti Parish, in honor of a very recently canonized saint. Back in the early 1920's a group of faithful Catholics banded together to erect a Catholic church in Sheldon. A basement was dug and the cement poured for a permanent building. However, because of the shortage of priests, no one to encourage their efforts, and the pressure extended by the Klu-Klux-Klan, the project was abandoned. The properly was later sold and a residence home built on the site. The lay Catholics then had to attend Mass at distant outlaying towns, making it very difficult to take part in any religious activities, including Mass.
In 1946, efforts again were made by a group of men, namely: Frank Lompa Sr., Frank Mahal, John Rogu and Stanley Plahuta, along with Fr. John Dzurko of nearby Gilman, to find some way to satisfy the spiritual need of the faithful in the Sheldon area. These men approached His Excellency Albert Meyer, then Bishop of the Superior Diocese, with their problem. He made a study of the situation, then promised to send Sisters from the Servants of Mary Convent of Ladysmith, to conduct religious teachings for our children in the summer. Living facilities were provided for the Sisters by George Mahal and Stanley Plahuta families for a number of years, until the present rectory was built. Classes were conducted in the old Tupper Building, the Sheldon School, the American Legion Hall, and the North Star Pavilion. Very inconvenient for the Sisters, but nevertheless, the people of the Sheldon areas were very thankful. Fr. Henry Gozanski, then pastor of nearby St. Anthony's Parish at Tony, was instrumental in getting the parish of St. Maria Goretti established.
Seeing the need for Catholic services and religious guidance in our area, he obtained permission from His Excellency Bishop Annabring to say an occasional Mass in the American Legion Hall during late 1953 and 1954. By early 1955, His Excellency, realizing the great need for a permanent parish, and the number of faithful it would serve, officially declared St. Maria Goretti a permanent parish, with a pastor. Fr. Edmund Bujalski was our first pastor.
In March of 1958, Fr. Clyde Zarski, was sent as pastor to replace Fr. Bujalski. It was under his administration that the entire debt of the rectory was paid, and a building fund for a new church was started. St. Michael's of Jump River was the first mission parish added to St. John's. In the late 50's the Holy Trinity Parish of Conrath became a mission also, and for a short time St. Joseph's, Donald.
In September 1960, Fr. George Vortruba replaced Fr. Zarski as administrator. With $30,000.00 in the building fund, it became his task to start the actual construction of the new church. On August 1, 1961, ground breaking ceremonies were held, and construction began. The 46' x 96' all Lannon stone building with a full basement, kitchen, a cry room, and 2 classrooms were contracted to Louis Schueller and sons of Egar {general contractor} , Donald Moffit {plumbing}, Joseph Huhn Electric Shop {electrical}, Meyer Heating {heating}, and Luke Dernovsek {excavating} were all contracted at a total cost of $105,000.00 for the church and $15,000.00 for furnishing the architect. Fr. George Votruba replaced Fr. Zarski in September, 1960 and served until August, 1966. It was during his pastorate that the church was built. Fr.
Carl De Witt served as pastor from September, 1966 to March, 1967.
Fr. Casimir Paul served from June 1967 until June of 1969.
Fr. John Usas came to serve the parish in July, 1969 and continued until his death in October, 1974.
Fr. William Speerstra came to administer St. John's Parish in December 1974 until June 1984.
Fr. Francis Pakosta began his service in June of 1984. Many physical improvements were made to the parish during his residency, such as window replacements, draperies, and carpeting to the rectory and in the basement of the church. He also formed the first Parish Council in 1984. While Fr. Pakosta was pastor, St. John's parish celebrated their 25`" Anniversary.
On June 23, 1992, Fr. Gerard Willger replaced Fr. Pakosta as the new pastor. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Flambeau joined the cluster of Jump River and Sheldon. The church and rectory was reshingled in 1993. The Renew Program was started, and an Evangelization Committee formed.
On November 6, 1996, Fr. Philip Juza assumed responsibilities as pastor of St. John's, Sheldon, St. Michael's, Jump River, and St. Francis of Assisi, Flambeau. A new cluster was formed with Fr. Philip Juza as pastor, on June 29, 1999, which included St. John's and St. Michael's, with the addition of St. Peter & Paul, Gilman, and St. Stanislaus, Lublin. Sister Ann Manthey served as Pastoral Associate and Director of Religious Education of the cluster until the summer of 2003.
A building fund was begun in 1999 and in 2000, the remodeling and construction project was contracted with Lechleitner Builders. The carpet and tile in the church were replaced. The pews were refinished. A new altar, chair and podium were designed. The choir balcony loft was removed, a new speaker system was added and a new organ purchased. A new main entrance was constructed, and a handicap lift was installed. The stone placed on the outside of the church was finished by Albert Dernovsek Masonry. On August 25, 2002, when the project was completed, St. John's Parishioners celebrated with a Mass of dedication. Bishop Raphael Fliss, Bishop of Superior, presided at the Mass and blessed the new addition. A dinner followed the dedication.
On August 9, 2004, Sister Marianna Ableidinger, FSPA, accepted the position as Pastoral Associate of the cluster and Director of Religious Education.
On November 9, 2004, Fr. John R. Long became pastor of the cluster. Fr. Long moved into the Gilman rectory and Sister Marianna into the Sheldon rectory.
On July 24, 2005, Bishop Fliss joined Fr. John Long and past pastors for a special Anniversary Mass and dinner to celebrate our 50'" year as a faith community. To mark the beginning of our 50th Anniversary the Living Rosary and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament were held May 41". A Memorial Mass was offered on May 29`" to remember the deceased pillars of the church. After Mass there was a blessing of the graves at the cemetery. A large banner commemorating the 50th Anniversary was carried by our Religious Education Students in the Sheldon parade. Parish cook books, commemorative cups and post cards were available for purchase. Special thanks to all who have volunteered their time, treasure and talents to make St. John's a growing faith community - we are blessed.
In 1946, efforts again were made by a group of men, namely: Frank Lompa Sr., Frank Mahal, John Rogu and Stanley Plahuta, along with Fr. John Dzurko of nearby Gilman, to find some way to satisfy the spiritual need of the faithful in the Sheldon area. These men approached His Excellency Albert Meyer, then Bishop of the Superior Diocese, with their problem. He made a study of the situation, then promised to send Sisters from the Servants of Mary Convent of Ladysmith, to conduct religious teachings for our children in the summer. Living facilities were provided for the Sisters by George Mahal and Stanley Plahuta families for a number of years, until the present rectory was built. Classes were conducted in the old Tupper Building, the Sheldon School, the American Legion Hall, and the North Star Pavilion. Very inconvenient for the Sisters, but nevertheless, the people of the Sheldon areas were very thankful. Fr. Henry Gozanski, then pastor of nearby St. Anthony's Parish at Tony, was instrumental in getting the parish of St. Maria Goretti established.
Seeing the need for Catholic services and religious guidance in our area, he obtained permission from His Excellency Bishop Annabring to say an occasional Mass in the American Legion Hall during late 1953 and 1954. By early 1955, His Excellency, realizing the great need for a permanent parish, and the number of faithful it would serve, officially declared St. Maria Goretti a permanent parish, with a pastor. Fr. Edmund Bujalski was our first pastor.
In March of 1958, Fr. Clyde Zarski, was sent as pastor to replace Fr. Bujalski. It was under his administration that the entire debt of the rectory was paid, and a building fund for a new church was started. St. Michael's of Jump River was the first mission parish added to St. John's. In the late 50's the Holy Trinity Parish of Conrath became a mission also, and for a short time St. Joseph's, Donald.
In September 1960, Fr. George Vortruba replaced Fr. Zarski as administrator. With $30,000.00 in the building fund, it became his task to start the actual construction of the new church. On August 1, 1961, ground breaking ceremonies were held, and construction began. The 46' x 96' all Lannon stone building with a full basement, kitchen, a cry room, and 2 classrooms were contracted to Louis Schueller and sons of Egar {general contractor} , Donald Moffit {plumbing}, Joseph Huhn Electric Shop {electrical}, Meyer Heating {heating}, and Luke Dernovsek {excavating} were all contracted at a total cost of $105,000.00 for the church and $15,000.00 for furnishing the architect. Fr. George Votruba replaced Fr. Zarski in September, 1960 and served until August, 1966. It was during his pastorate that the church was built. Fr.
Carl De Witt served as pastor from September, 1966 to March, 1967.
Fr. Casimir Paul served from June 1967 until June of 1969.
Fr. John Usas came to serve the parish in July, 1969 and continued until his death in October, 1974.
Fr. William Speerstra came to administer St. John's Parish in December 1974 until June 1984.
Fr. Francis Pakosta began his service in June of 1984. Many physical improvements were made to the parish during his residency, such as window replacements, draperies, and carpeting to the rectory and in the basement of the church. He also formed the first Parish Council in 1984. While Fr. Pakosta was pastor, St. John's parish celebrated their 25`" Anniversary.
On June 23, 1992, Fr. Gerard Willger replaced Fr. Pakosta as the new pastor. St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Flambeau joined the cluster of Jump River and Sheldon. The church and rectory was reshingled in 1993. The Renew Program was started, and an Evangelization Committee formed.
On November 6, 1996, Fr. Philip Juza assumed responsibilities as pastor of St. John's, Sheldon, St. Michael's, Jump River, and St. Francis of Assisi, Flambeau. A new cluster was formed with Fr. Philip Juza as pastor, on June 29, 1999, which included St. John's and St. Michael's, with the addition of St. Peter & Paul, Gilman, and St. Stanislaus, Lublin. Sister Ann Manthey served as Pastoral Associate and Director of Religious Education of the cluster until the summer of 2003.
A building fund was begun in 1999 and in 2000, the remodeling and construction project was contracted with Lechleitner Builders. The carpet and tile in the church were replaced. The pews were refinished. A new altar, chair and podium were designed. The choir balcony loft was removed, a new speaker system was added and a new organ purchased. A new main entrance was constructed, and a handicap lift was installed. The stone placed on the outside of the church was finished by Albert Dernovsek Masonry. On August 25, 2002, when the project was completed, St. John's Parishioners celebrated with a Mass of dedication. Bishop Raphael Fliss, Bishop of Superior, presided at the Mass and blessed the new addition. A dinner followed the dedication.
On August 9, 2004, Sister Marianna Ableidinger, FSPA, accepted the position as Pastoral Associate of the cluster and Director of Religious Education.
On November 9, 2004, Fr. John R. Long became pastor of the cluster. Fr. Long moved into the Gilman rectory and Sister Marianna into the Sheldon rectory.
On July 24, 2005, Bishop Fliss joined Fr. John Long and past pastors for a special Anniversary Mass and dinner to celebrate our 50'" year as a faith community. To mark the beginning of our 50th Anniversary the Living Rosary and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament were held May 41". A Memorial Mass was offered on May 29`" to remember the deceased pillars of the church. After Mass there was a blessing of the graves at the cemetery. A large banner commemorating the 50th Anniversary was carried by our Religious Education Students in the Sheldon parade. Parish cook books, commemorative cups and post cards were available for purchase. Special thanks to all who have volunteered their time, treasure and talents to make St. John's a growing faith community - we are blessed.